3W $1 12@$150 $2B LS
Crowns & Bars 3W $1 12@$150 $2B 20% 3479 LS
Crowns & Bars LS is a $1.00, 3W game with 3479 tickets. Extended payout is 1@155/2@152/9@150/1@25/11@20/2@10/13@8/13@6/17@5/26@4/125@2 Last Sale $100.00. It has gross receipts of 3199.00, prizes of $2795.00, an ideal net of $684.00 and a tax of $20.52...210L -
Thank a Vet 3W $1 12@$150 (4@$150) $2B 15% 3120 LS
Thank a Vet LS is a $1.00, 3W game with 3120 tickets. Extended payout is 4@150/4@125/1@120/3@100/1@24/8@20/1@15/1@12/1@10/1@6/106@5/2@4/140@2 Last Sale $100.00. It has gross receipts of $3120.00, prizes of $2665.00, an ideal net of $455.00 and tax of $13...THAV3120L1 -
Dazzle 3W $1 12@$150 (4@$150) $2B 19% 3192 LS
Dazzle LS is a $1.00, 3W game with 3192 tickets. Extended payout is 4@150/4@125/1@102/3@100/2@25/6@20/1@9/11@7/91@5/1@8/15@4/110@2 Last Sale $100.00. It has gross receipts of $3192.00, prizes of $2601.00, an ideal net of $591.00 and tax of $17.73. It...12139LS -
Cassidy 3W $1 12@$150 $2B 23% 3948 LS
Cassidy LS is a $1.00, 3W game with 3948 tickets. Extended payout is 1@155/2@152/9@150/1@25/11@20/5@9/6@8/10@7/15@6/91@5/15@4/27@2 Last Sale $150.00. It has gross receipts of $3948.00, prizes of $3026.00, an ideal net of $922.00 and tax of $27.66. It...956LS -
Zip Zap 3W $1 12@$150 $2B 16% 3440 LS
Zip Zap LS is a $1.00, 3W game with 3440 tickets. Extended payout is 1@155/2@152/9@150/1@25/11@20/2@10/13@8/13@6/17@5/26@4/125@2 Last Sale $200.00. It has gross receipts of $3440.00, prizes of $2895.00, an ideal net of $545.00 and tax of $16.35. It...ZZ3210LS2 -
Zip Zap 3W $1 12@$150 $2B 20% 3600 LS
Zip Zap LS is a $1.00, 3W game with 3600 tickets. Extended payout is 1@155/2@152/9@150/1@25/11@20/2@10/13@8/13@6/17@5/26@4/125@2 Last Sale $200.00. It has gross receipts of $3600.00, prizes of $2895.00, an ideal net of $705.00 and tax of $21.15. It...ZZ210LS2