3W $1 4@$100 $2B
Criss Cross 3W $1 4@100 (1@$140) $2B 25% 2520
Criss Cross is a $1.00, 3W game with 2520 tickets. Extended payout is 1@140/1@120/2@100/1@95/1@80/2@75/2@55/2@50/3@44/5@30/3@20/12@6/35@5/24@4/110@2. It has gross receipts of $2520.00, prizes of $1900.00, an ideal net of $620.00 and tax of $18.60. It...39142N -
Bullseye Criss Cross 3W $1 4@$100 $2B 20% 2310
Bullseye Criss Cross is a $1.00, 3W game with 2310 tickets. Extended payout is 1@105/3@100/1@80/1@77/2@75/1@52/3@50/2@25/10@20/6@9/6@8/10@7/16@6/40@5/12@4/80@2. It has gross receipts of $2310.00, prizes of $1840.00, an ideal net of $470.00...BCCE174N -
Crowns & Bars 3W $1 4@$100 $2B 16% 2199
Crowns and Bars is a $1.00, 3W game with 2199 tickets. Extended payout is 1@105/3@100/1@77/3@75/1@52/3@50/1@25/11@20/7@10/9@8/9@6/44@5/18@4/99@2. It has gross receipts of $2199.00, prizes of $1840.00, an ideal net of $359.00 and tax of $10.77...3213