5W $1 8@$250 $1B
Wild Bars 5W $1 8@$250 $1B 23% 8016
Wild Bars is a $1.00, 5W game with 8016 tickets. Extended payout is 8@250/4@50/90@10/180@5/600@2/968@1. It has gross receipts of $8016.00, prizes of $6168.00, an ideal net of $1848.00 and tax of $55.44. It has a 23.05% profit and a 1:4.33 win ratio. ...8016WBJ28 -
Slottery 5W $1 8@$250 $1B 25% 9960 LS
Slottery LS is a $1.00, 5W game with 9960 tickets. Extended payout is 8@250/4@100/1@70/2@35/1@25/1@21/1@20/1@16/6@15/1@14/35@10/4@8/4@7/9@6/48@5/20@4/90@3/540@2/2400@1 Last Sale $250.00. It has gross receipts of $9960.00, prizes of $7510.00, an ideal...768LS -
Pieces of Eight 5W $1 8@$250 $1B 24% 3800
Pieces of Eight is a $1.00, 5W game with 3800 tickets. Extended payout is 8@250/4@100/8@25/280@1. It has gross receipts of $3800.00, prizes of $2880.00 an ideal net of $920.00 and tax of $27.60. It has a 24% profit and a 1:12.6 win...PE8250N