5W $1 8@$500 $1B 19%
Lucky Bonus 5W $1 8@$500 $1B 40% 13875
Lucky Bonus is a $1.00, 5W game with 13875 tickets. Extended payout is 8@500/1@262/1@252/2@250/1@102/3@101/8@30/3@20/4@17/1@16/4@15/10@12/1@11/54@10/3@7/8@6/10@5/5@3/75@2/1490@1. It has gross receipts of $13875.00, prizes of $8308.00, an...LB8501N -
King of the Beasts 3/5W $1 8@$500 $1B 20% 8400
King of the Beasts is a $1.00, 3/5W game with 8400 tickets. Extended payout is 8@500/2@200/4@100/12@20/50@3/100@2/1300@1. It has gross receipts of $8400.00, prizes of $6690.00, an ideal net of $1710.00 and tax of $51.30. It has a 20%...KB500 -
Goin' Fishin' 5W $1 8@$500 $1B 19% 8000
Goin' Fishin' is a $1.00, 5W game with 8000 tickets. Extended payout is 8@500/2@204/2@202/1@24/4@22/5@20/20@4/20@3/10@2/1280@1. It has gross receipts of $8000.00, prizes of $6464.00, an ideal net of $1536.00 and tax of $46.08. It...50003