Pulltabs 3W $1 Over $250 Top
500 Club 3W $1 22@100 (5,4,3,2,1) $1B 24% 4480
$500 Club is a $1.00, 3W game with 4480 tickets. Extended payout is 1@500/1@400/2@300/1@200/8@100/2@50/800@1. It has gross receipts of $4480.00, prizes of $3400.00, an ideal net of $1080.00 and tax of $32.40. It has a 24% profit and a 1:5.5 win ratio. 3...6844RR -
AK Criss Cross 3W $1 4@$400 $2B 20% 4900
Alaska Criss Cross is a $1.00, 3W game with 4900 tickets. Extended payout is 1@405/3@400/1@102/3@100/1@52/3@50/1@25/11@20/5@9/ 6@8/10@7/15@6/43@5/15@4/479@2. It has gross receipts of $4900.00, prizes of $3940.00, an ideal net of $960.00 and tax of...954 -
Mush 3W $1 4@$400 (1@$500) $2B 24% 5640
Mush is a $1.00, 3W game with 5640 tickets. Extended payout is 1@500/1@420/2@400/1@225/1@209/1@205/1@204/1@105/2@100/10@20/5@9/6@7/45@5/20@4/440@2. It has gross receipts of $5640.00, prizes of $4340.00, an ideal net of $1300.00 and tax of $39.00. It...1361R -
AK Criss Cross 3W $1 4@$400 $2B 23% 5124
Alaska Criss Cross is a $1.00, 3W game with 5124 tickets. Extended payout is 1@405/3@400/1@102/3@100/1@52/3@50/1@25/11@20 /5@9/6@8/10@7/15@6/3@5/15@4/479@2. It has gross receipts of $5124.00, prizes of $3940.00, an ideal net of $1184.00 and tax of $35...954Z -
Dakota 300 3W $1 8@$300 $1B 11% 5400 LS
Dakota 300 LS is a $1.00, 3W game with 5400 tickets. Extended payout is 8@300/4@100/2@22/2@21/8@20/10@10/162@5/2@4/2@3/4@2/722@1 Last Sale $100.00. It has gross receipts of $5400.00, prizes of $4800.00, an ideal net of $600.00 and tax of $18...DK300LS -
AK Criss Cross 3W $1 4@$400 $2B 21% 5124 LS
Alaska Criss Cross is a $1.00, 3W game with 5124 tickets. Extended payout is 1@405/3@400/1@102/3@100/1@52/3@50/1@25/11@20 /5@9/6@8/10@7/15@6/3@5/15@4/479@2 Last Sale $95.00. It has gross receipts of $5124.00, prizes of $4035.00, an ideal net of $1089...954ZLS -
Zig Zag 3W $1 4@$400 $2B 20% 4400
Zig Zag is a $1.00, 3W game with 4392 tickets. Extended payout is 1@410/3@400/1@77/3@75/1@52/3@50/1@30/10@14/10@12/16@10/4@8/12@6/18@4/390@2. It has gross receipts of $4392.00, prizes of $1292.00, an ideal net of $872.00, and tax of $26.16. It has a...3570 -
Criss Cross 3W $1 4@$400 $2B 24% 4800
Trade Products
Cris Cross is a $1.00, 3W game with 4800 tickets. Extended payout is 4@400/2@80/1@77/1@75/1@52/3@50/2@25/10@20/6@9/6@8/10@7/16@6/40@5/12@4/390@2. It has gross receipts of $4800.00; Prizes:$3660.00, an ideal net of $1140.00 and tax of $34.20. It has a...952BR -
Crazy 8's 3W $1 8@$500 $1B 19% 8036
Crazy 8's is a $1.00, 3W game with 8036 tickets. Extended payout is 8@500/4@200/2@24/2@22/8@21/16@4/32@3/144@2/1008@1. It has gross receipts of $8036.00, prizes of $6516.00, an ideal net of $1520.00 and tax of $45.60. it has a 18.9%...235T -
Criss Cross 3W $1 4@$400 $2B 22% 4800 LS
Cris Cross LS is a $1.00, 3W game with 4800 tickets. Extended payout is 4@400/2@80/1@77/1@75/1@52/3@50/2/25/10@20/6@9/6@8/ 10@7/16@6/40@5/12@4/390@2 Last Sale $100.00. It has gross receipts of $4800.00, prizes of $3760.00, an ideal net of $1040.00 and...952BRLS -
Mush 3W $1 4@$400 (1@$500) $2B 23% 5670
Mush is a $1.00, 3W game with 5670 tickets. Extended payout is 1@500/1@420/2@400/1@225/1@209/1@205/1@204/1@105/2@100/10@20/5@9/6@7/45@5/20@4/440@2. It has gross receipts of $5670.00, prizes of $4340.00, an ideal net of $1330.00 and tax of $39.90. It has...1361RR -
AK 44 3W $1 6@$444 $1B 22% 6400
AK 44 is a $1.00, 3W game with 6400 tickets. Extended payout is 6@444/4@144/4@24/1600@1. It has gross receipts of $6400.00, prizes of $1600.00, an ideal net of $1464.00 and tax of $43.92. It has a 22% profit and a 1:4win ratio. 2 deals per case.3698 -
AK Criss Cross 3W $1 4@$400 $2B 18% 4900 LS
Alaska Criss Cross LS is a $1.00, 3W game with 4900 tickets. Extended payout is 1@405/3@400/1@102/3@100/1@52/3@50/1@25/11@20/5@9/ 6@8/10@7/15@6/43@5/15@4/479@2 Last Sale $100.00. It has gross receipts of $4900.00, prizes of $4035.00, an ideal net of...954LS -
Penguin Party 3W $1 8@$444 $1B 20% 8320 LS
Penguin Party is a $1.00, 3W game with 8320 tickets. Extended payout is 8@444/4@144/20@44/1605@1 Last Sale $56.00. It has gross receipts of $8320.00, prizes of $6669.00, an ideal net of $1651.00 and tax of $49.53. It has a 20% profit...30849 -
Criss Cross 3W $1 4@$500 $2B 18% 5320
Criss Cross is a $1.00, 3W game with 5320 tickets. Extended payout is 4@500/4@100/1@52/3@50/2@25/6@20/1@9/1@8/11@7/51@5/15@4/578@2. It has gross receipts of $5320.00, prizes of $4337.00, an ideal net of $983.00 and tax of $29.49. It has a 18.48%...14342 -
Shoot the Moon 3W $1 8@$500 $1B 19% 8036
Shoot the Moon is a $1.00, 3W game with 8036 tickets. Extended payout is 8@500/4@200/2@24/2@22/8@21/16@4/32@3/144@2/1008@1. It has gross receipts of $8036.00, prizes of $6516.00, an ideal net of $1520.00 and tax of $45.60. it has a 18...235U -
AK 44 3W $1 12@$444 $1B 20% 19680
AK 44 is a $1.00, 3W game with 19680 tickets. Extended payout is 12@444/4@244/4@144/100@44/4500@1. It has gross receipts of $19680.00, prizes of $15780.00, an ideal net of $3900.00 and tax of $117.00. It has a 20% profit and a 1:4.2 win ratio. 1 deal...3696 -
Dakota 300 3W $1 8@$300 $1B 13% 5400
Dakota 300 is a $1.00, 3W game with 5400 tickets. Extended payout is 8@300/4@100/12@20/180@5/760@1. It has gross receipt of $5400.00, prizes of $4700.00, an ideal net of $700.00, and tax of $21.00. It has a 12.7% profit and a 1:5.6 win ratio. 2 deals...DK300 -
Shoot the Moon 3W $1 8@$300 $1B 23% 6076 LS
Shoot the Moon LS is a $1.00, 3W game with 6076 tickets. Extended payout is 8@300/1@200/4@100/8@25/16@5/140@3/99@2/754@1 Last Sale $200.00. It has gross receipts of $6076.00, prizes of $4652.00, an ideal net of $1424.00 and tax of $42.72...2484A -
4 On the Floor 3W $1 4@$444 $1B 15% 5760
4 On the Floor is a $1.00, 3W game with 5760 tickets. Extended payout is 4@444/4@244/4@44/4@24/4@14/96@4/318@2/796@1. It has gross receipts of $5760.00, prizes of $4896.00, an ideal net of $864.00 and tax of $25.92. It has a 15% profit...30476