Pulltabs 3W $1 Over $250 Top
Criss Cross 3W $1 6@$400 $1B 18% 5960
Cris Cross is a $1.00, 3W game with 5960 tickets. Extended payout is 6@400/2@80/1@76/1@75/1@51/3@50/2@25/10@20/6@7/10@6/40@5/6@4/16@3/12@2/1300@1. It has gross receipts of $5960.00, prizes of $4860.00, an ideal net of $1100.00 and tax of $33.00. It has a...963RR -
Zig Zag 3W $1 6@$400 $1B 22% 6000 LS
Zig Zag LS is a $1.00, 3W game with 6000 tickets. Extended payout is 6@400/1@220/1@206/1@204/1@200/1@16/1@14/1@12/5@10/5@8/3@6/6@4/10@3/51@2/1064@1 Last Sale $100.00. It has gross receipts of $6000.00, prizes of $4700.00, an ideal net of...31782 -
Whiskey Straight 3W $1 8@$500 $1B 24% 8036
Whiskey Straight is a $1.00, 3W game with 8036 tickets. Extended payout is 8@500/2@201/2@102/4@22/4@21/2@20/8@4/10@3/126@2/928@1. It has gross receipts of $8036.00, prizes of $6060.00, an ideal net of $1976.00 and tax of $59.28. It has...2274AKC -
Mars Invaders 3W $1 8@$500 $1B 21% 8000
Mars Invaders is a $1.00, 3W game with 8000 tickets. Extended payout is 8@500/2@200/4@100/7@21/5@20/15@4/20@3/20@2/1133@1. It has gross receipts of $8000.00, prizes of $6340.00, an ideal net of $1660.00 and tax of $49.80. It has a 21%...30475 -
Bet Big 3W $1 4@$250 (2@$300) $1B 20% 3955 LS
Bet Big is a $1.00, 3W game with 3955 tickets. Extended payout is 2@300/2@275/1@150/2@125/10@100/2@50/2@25/44@2/182@1 Last Sale $200.00. It has gross receipts of $3955.00, prizes of $3170.00, an ideal net of $785.00 and tax of $23.55. ...ABM113ANLS -
Punch Drunk 3W $1 12@100 (5,4,3,2,1) $1B 24% 4235
Punch Drunk is a $1.00, 3W game with 4235 tickets. Extended payout is 1@500/1@400/1@300/1@208/1@200/1@172/1@126/1@123/1@112/1@102/1@101/2@100/1@83/1@62/1@53/2@50/19@2/342@1. It has gross receipts of $4235.00, prizes of $3222.00, an ideal net...PUDV193N -
Dynamite 3W $1 8@$444 $1B 20% 8320 LS
Dynamite is a $1.00, 3W game with 8320 tickets. Extended payout is 8@444/4@144/20@44/1605@1 Last Sale $56.00. It has gross receipts of $8320.00, prizes of $6669.00, an ideal net of $1651.00 and tax of $49.53. It has a 20% profit and a...30963 -
Alaska 300 3W $1 8@$300 $1B 13% 5390
Alaska 300 is a $1.00, 3W game with 5390 tickets. Extended payout is 8@300/4@100/2@22/2@21/8@20/10@10/162@5/2@4/2@3/4@2/722@1. It has gross receipts of $5390.00, prizes of $4700.00, an ideal net of $690.00 and tax of $20.70. It has a 12...300Z -
Rip Tide 3W $1 8@$500 $1B 21% 8000
Rip Tide is a $1.00, 3W game with 8000 tickets. Extended payout is 8@500/2@200/4@100/7@21/5@20/15@4/20@3/20@2/1133@1. It has gross receipts of $8000.00, prizes of $6340.00, an ideal net of $1660.00 and tax of $49.80. It has a 21% profit...30798 -
Major Cash 3W $1 12@100 (5,4,3,2,1) $1B 24% 4235
Major Cash is a $1.00, 3W game with 4235 tickets. Extended payout is 1@500/1@400/1@300/1@208/1@200/1@172/1@126/1@123/1@112/1@102/1@101/2@100/1@83/1@62/1@53/2@50/19@2/342@1. It has gross receipts of $4235.00, prizes of $3222.00, an ideal net...MACV193N -
Zig Zag 3W $1 8@$500 $1B 21% 8000
Zig Zag is a $1.00, 3W game with 8000 tickets. Extended payout is 8@500/1@220/1@206/1@204/1@200/1@26/1@24/1@22/6@20/5@8/3@6/6@4/10@3/11@2/40@2/1064@1. It has gross receipts of $8000.00, prizes of $6300.00, an ideal net of $1700.00 and tax of...31781 -
Nice N Toasty 3W $1 8@$500 $1B 25% 8050
Nice N Toasty is a $1.00, 3W game with 8050 tickets. Extended payout is 8@500/2@201/2@102/4@22/4@21/2@20/9@4/18@3/125@2/872@1. It has gross receipts of $8050.00, prizes of $6030.00, an ideal net of $2020.00 and tax of $60.60. It has a...NNTM8040N -
Old Fashioned 3W $1 6@$400 $1B 20% 6762 LS
Old Fashioned LS is a $1.00, 3W game with 6762 tickets. Extended payout is 6@400/1@300/1@200/1@135/2@120/2@100/8@75/3@50/1@30/1@27/1@25/4@7/1@5/925@1 Last Sale $100.00. It has gross receipts of $6762.00, prizes of $5365.00, an ideal net of...2253AKD -
Easy 7's 3W $1 8@$500 $1B 25% 8050
Easy 7's is a $1.00, 3W game with 8050 tickets. Extended payout is 8@500/2@201/2@102/4@22/4@21/2@20/9@4/18@3/125@2/872@1. It has gross receipts of $8050.00, prizes of $6030.00, an ideal net of $2020.00 and tax of $60.60. It has a 25%...EYSM8040N -
Shut the Fridge 3W $1 12@100 (5,4,3,2,1) $1B 24% 4235
Shut the Fridge is a $1.00, 3W game with 4235 tickets. Extended payout is 1@500/1@400/1@300/1@208/1@200/1@172/1@126/1@123/1@112/1@102/1@101/2@100/1@83/1@62/1@53/2@50/19@2/342@1. It has gross receipts of $4235.00, prizes of $3222.00, an ideal...STFV193N -
Big as a... 3W $1 8@$200 (1@$300) $1B 19% 3955 LS
Big as a... LS is a $1.00, 3W game with 3955 tickets. Extended payout is 1@300/1@250/1@215/1@211/4@200/1@150/5@100/2@50/1@15/1@12/1@10/8@5/53@2/266@1 Last Sale $200.00. It has gross receipts of $3955.00, prizes of $3175.00, an ideal net of...BAAV111NLS -
Find the Gem 3W $1 6@$400 $1B 20% 6762 LS
Find the Gem LS is a $1.00, 3W game with 6762 tickets. Extended payout is 6@400/1@300/1@200/1@135/2@120/2@100/8@75/3@50/1@30/1@27/1@25/4@7/1@5/925@1 Last Sale $100.00. It has gross receipts of $6762.00, prizes of $5365.00, an ideal net of...2254AKD -
Lady Luck 3W $1 4@$250 (2@$300) $1B 20% 3955 LS
Lady Luck is a $1.00, 3W game with 3955 tickets. Extended payout is 2@300/2@275/1@150/2@125/10@100/2@50/2@25/44@2/182@1 Last Sale $200.00. It has gross receipts of $3955.00, prizes of $3170.00, an ideal net of $785.00 and tax of $23.55. ...ALM113ANLS -
Midnight Rocks 3W $1 12@100 (5,4,3,2,1) $1B 24% 4235
Midnight Rocks is a $1.00, 3W game with 4235 tickets. Extended payout is 1@500/1@400/1@300/1@208/1@200/1@172/1@126/1@123/1@112/1@102/1@101/2@100/1@83/1@62/1@53/2@50/19@2/342@1. It has gross receipts of $4235.00, prizes of $3222.00, an ideal...MIRV193N -
Beer Up 3W $1 8@$200 (1@$300) $1B 19% 3955 LS
Beer Up LS is a $1.00, 3W game with 3955 tickets. Extended payout is 1@300/1@250/1@215/1@211/4@200/1@150/5@100/2@50/1@15/1@12/1@10/8@5/53@2/266@1 Last Sale $200.00. It has gross receipts of $3955.00, prizes of $3175.00, an ideal net of $780...BUPV111NLS